23 kesä 2021
Babcock’s Georgia Davey named one of the 50 Women in Engineering 2021

We are delighted that Babcock’s Georgia Davey was today recognised as an engineering hero and one of 2021’s Top 50 Women in Engineering by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES).
The WE50 awards are a UK event celebrating International Women in Engineering Day on 23 June. Georgia was recognised for volunteering her Supply Chain expertise to Babcock’s Zephyr Plus Ventilator design and build effort, following a call to industry from the UK Government in the first COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020.
In a time of national crisis, Georgia played a key role in establishing relationships with multiple new supply partners to build an end-to-end supply chain design encompassing material acquisition, manufacturing supply to line, warehousing and logistics. Her outstanding effort was instrumental in designing a completely new supply chain outside the strained standard medical suppliers, which was capable of delivering a build schedule for up to 10,000 Ventilator units – the projected Government requirement at the time.
Georgia said ”I feel proud and honoured to be recognised as part of this celebration of the great work women do in engineering. I was inspired to see what can be achieved through collaboration and the willingness to step out of our comfort zone.
“Our team rose to the challenge, using their capabilities for the greater good and I was thankful for the opportunity to play my part. The way the team collaborated and innovated showed what is possible in the face of adversity, and many of the lessons I learned during the project will stay with me throughout my career.”
Congratulations to Georgia and all of those recognised as part of the WE50 today, a truly remarkable and inspirational achievement.