15 4月 2020
Babcock provides dedicated air ambulance for Swedish COVID-19 patients

Babcock’s team at Scandinavian Air Ambulance have refitted one of their Beech 200 aircraft into a dedicated COVID-19 air ambulance to help relieve intensive care departments in Sweden.
We have been assisting the intensive care departments to spread the concentration of their patients by transporting these sedated/intubated patients to other, less busy hospitals in the country.
The Beech 200 aircraft has had an internal re-fit to better accommodate COVID-19 patients and all staff have been given updated training to assist in the transportation of these patients. This aircraft has become the first choice when transporting COVID-19 patients however our seven other fixed wing aircraft and ten helicopters can also transport these patients and have had additional protection measures added.
We are doing everything we can to support COVID-19 operations in Sweden, including using our flight coordination centres to manage departures and arrivals of all essential aircraft and plan the arrival of ground ambulances between airports and hospitals. Thank you to our fantastic Swedish colleagues who are continually doing everything they can to provide any and all assistance possible in this pandemic.