Naval base management
Delivering efficient naval base management

Working in partnership with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and Royal Navy, we deliver substantial efficiency and service improvements at HM Naval Base Devonport and HM Naval Base Clyde (including Faslane and Coulport sites).
Contracted by the MOD, we provide services including fleet time engineering, facilities management, waterfront services, logistics and transport all within an agreed operating budget, firmly focused on continuous and sustainable improvement in warship and submarine support.
Savings have been achieved through the creation and implementation of improved productivity and processes, enhanced people skills and, most importantly, underpinned by a culture focused on safety across the sites.
Our success in naval base management has mainly been attributable to the concept of a ‘one-team’ approach, where we work together with our customers within a partnering framework against Key Performance Indicators.
Babcock has a similar contract with the New Zealand Defence Force to manage its base in Auckland with a comparable savings and benefits operating model.
Together we have challenged many traditional working practices and processes and introduced innovative solutions to maximise output and ensure consistency, value-for-money and best quality.
At a glance:
- Naval base management at HMNB Devonport & HMNB Clyde
- Working in partnership with the Ministry of Defence and Royal Navy
- Includes fleet time engineering, facilities management, waterfront services, logistics and transport
- Focused on improvement in warship and submarine support
- One-team approach
- Similar contract in Auckland, New Zealand
As the MOD’s commercial partner at HMNB Clyde, we provide highly specialist engineering support services, including the management of critical infrastructure and nuclear facilities.
We also deliver operational maintenance, upgrades and repairs to support Royal Navy vessels, including the Vanguard and Astute-Class nuclear submarines based in Scotland.
Our waterfront activities at Clyde include supporting naval surface ships, with responsibility for managing engineering work on base-ported Mine Countermeasure Vessels and carrying out emergency and scheduled maintenance on other visiting Royal Navy and foreign naval vessels.
To keep the naval base running safely and efficiently, our teams provide a comprehensive facilities management service that covers building management, housekeeping and grounds maintenance, berthing and radioactive waste processing.
Our Devonport facility is co-located with HM Naval Base Devonport to form the largest naval support site in Western Europe.
Working in partnership with the MOD at Devonport, we provide through-life support for submarines, surface ships and associated systems and equipment as part of our continuing commitment to support our nation’s naval capability.
Devonport is a busy operational, training and support base for both submarines and surface ships including visiting international naval vessels. The base is the home port for all ships in the Royal Navy (RN) amphibious fleet, half of the RN frigate fleet and a number of RN submarines and survey vessels. Devonport is also home to Royal Navy Sea Training and Royal Marine Commando and its craft.
Babcock’s facilities at Devonport include the UK’s sole licensed site for the refitting and refuel/defuel of nuclear-powered submarines, where Trafalgar and Vanguard-Class submarines undergo major refits and upgrades.
Devonport also has docks, including a dedicated, covered Frigate Support Centre, where we maintain, refit, convert and modernise sophisticated modern surface warships. Complex systems are removed, overhauled, tested and installed with the support of on-site workshops.
As well as planned major refit and modernisation projects, that take vessels out of service, we provide considerable in-service engineering maintenance support including a rapid reaction team to deal with issues that may arise on operational vessels wherever and whenever they need it. We provide a complete, value for money, naval base management service to support all activities at Devonport, from the provision of all waterfront services, through the management of extensive above and below ground infrastructure and plant, to the control and supply of utilities and logistics. This involves the operation, maintenance and renewal of both historic and modern systems and infrastructure to the highest standards and regulatory control.
For further information about site-specific regulatory and related information including Environmental Monitoring Results and Local Liaison Committee arrangements see Devonport Royal Dockyard.